Natural Talent is Normally Stuffed....

Marcus Buckingham, in his bestselling book, “First Break All The Rules”, tells us that it is a fundamental flaw the way businesses have been routinely managing their employees. The atypical business takes an employee's education into consideration during the interview, looks at the experience, and then expects results.

Yet, as Buckingham points out, it is the rare employer that doesn't neglect the natural talents of its workforce.

Natural talent is usually stuffed inside the employee and the longer the talent is not used, the more apt it is to not be noticed.

Hence, a good SWOT analysis; determine your strength, weakness, opportunities and threats by completing a good assessment, survey or evaluation. These talents we have are many times hidden in our blind spots right along side un-used strengths and they're hidden by our weaknesses.

If you'd like a free Assessment of Behavioral Characteristic, email me at; no charge, no obligation (limited offer expires 12/1/2010). You can read more about this and other assessments at


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