Thankful for Thanksgiving

It seems a bit corny to talk and write about being thankful during Thanksgiving. I mean, that's what we're supposed to be doing this time of year, being thankful. Right? Oh well, here's part of what I'm thankful for....

I'm thankful for my family, including my third granddaughter. Her name is Autumn. I'm thankful my 93 year old grandmother's beautiful funeral last week; 8 children, 15 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, and 3 great/great-grandchilddaughters (all 3 mine). I've been to only a few funerals but this pastor and his words about heaven were...well, heavenly.

I'm thankful for God, Jesus dying for the sins of those who believe in him and living forever in heaven with our heavenly Father and I'm thankful for the Holy Spirit.

I'm thankful lot's of other things and people; kids, Cathy, friends, work, freedom, so many vets who have and continue to put their life on the line, did I mention Cathy?, health, struggles, opportunities, UT not embarrassing itself with a loss this past Saturday, Texas A&M doing the state proud (sorry Jim), Lake Travis continuing the tradition, Ty Egbert showing such leadership as Hyde Park fought so hard in their loss this past Saturday, Nolan for making it through the season even though he got up and reviewed films after the last loss, Gary Seale and Blair Ball's counsel and encouragement, Kelley's recovery and his doctors and nurses, Randy's (brother) dedication (praying for Lisa's healing), Steve Heston's Daily DireXion, Cathy, some awesome sermons I've heard on podcasts, people like Monty Maulding, the recovery from the loss of much of the work I'd done on my new website (arg...but thankful!), Bubba (amazing how a good dog can bring a smile to your face), booksbooksbooksbooks, and music - I'm thankful for music, and Cathy - I'm thankful for a great wife. And daughter-in-laws like Amy, and son-in-laws like Curtis; thanks Curtis for being a great husband and dad! And IN-LAWS...I'm thankful for In-Laws that love my kids. Speaking of great husbands and son-in-laws...Thomas Vetters-you're it! And Bryan Anderson, what an amazing dad (husband too I assume. Michelle?).

Ok..better wind down; a couple of posts from the past two or three weeks; I'm thankful for running across these videos. One of them I originally saw 3 years ago and the other Dan Cathy showed earlier this month. I'm thankful for TJ Morelli and Mike Carroll for bringing Dan into the two meetings I was at where he showed the video. Those posts/vidoes are Trust and Every Life Has a Story. If you watch either, or both, I appreciate feedback and comments on what you "got" from them; you can either post a comment on the blog post or email me. Thanks.

Blessings and have thankful Thanksgiving!

Danny Smith

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