In their landmark Built to Last study on the successful habits of visionary companies, Jim Collins and Jerry Porras noted that corporate industry leaders made “bold commitments to ‘Big Hairy Audacious Goals’ (BHAGs).”

FranklinCovey in a 2002 published paper stated "not only must lofty, compelling goals (BHAGs) be well articulated and coordinated, they must also be translated into Specific Daily Activities and Behaviors (SDABs) that reach to the individual employee's job function. When the CEO announces the BHAG to increase revenue growth trom 7% to 15% per year, employees want to know answers to the simple questions, How? and What Am I Supposed To DO?"

Corporate Goals (BHAGs) must be converted into Employee Behaviors (SDABs) in order to achieve Performance Results.

This goes for individuals also. I posted recently about being able to measure how well you accomplish your mission statement.

Stating and publishing mission statements and setting goals is very important, but just as important is accoumplishing both.

1. Write your mission statement; keep it short - verb, action, result

2. Measure it

3. Set your goals

4. Measure it

5. Develop the behavior

6. Evaluate and Correct 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Treat these things as a "circled list" and as Collins would tell you about those that had great companies; "keep going around and around the circle, ...faster and faster you go around, the faster you'll get better results."

To that end.......

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