Multi-Tasking...friend or foe?

How many things are your doing? Right now? Are you a mult-tasker? Do you do it well? Are you sure?

My neighbor, Tom, told me a few months ago about a client of his that was teaching its employees NOT to multi-task. He mentioned an article that notated evidence of mult-tasking causing short-term memory loss. I was doing something else, I don't remember what, and don't remember the name of the article.

Emails, webcams, phone calls, texting, youtube training, open-door policies....we take it as a matter of doing business that interruptions are normal and a mandate for getting it all done. But, this fast-paced/multi-tasking culture, according to research (google for articles), is hampering our productivity.

From Microsoft to Vanderbilt to Stanford and points between and beyond, the facts are proving that multi-tasking causes distractions, additonal time to get the same amount of tasks done, makes even simple tasks more difficult, and you to get worse at it the more you do it.

Multi-tasking; Not a good part of your box.

To that end...focus

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