Making the Business Case for Assessments - Concern #3

The following is Concern #3 of an excerpt of Making the Business Case for Assessments by Ron Tepner and Dan Lezotte in Human Resource Executive Online.

Concern: Our applicants will not put up with an involved, time-consuming selection process -- they'll just go somewhere else
Tepner and Lezotte's Response: One of the few advantages of a down economy is that more qualified applicants are available for open positions. While we should always be sure we are hiring the best person for the job and a person who has a high probability of success in the job, having a larger applicant pool provides us the luxury of being even more selective. In fact, we have found that many applicants (who are now employees) viewed our organization more favorably as a result of having gone through a rigorous selection process. We also believe that it honors our existing workforce to not just allow anyone into the camp and expect good folks to work with those who are not the best.

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