Starting Again, Again

I'm too old for this
All this is causing me to rethink me
I don't know what's wrong with me but this is insane
I'm over 50 and really don't know what I want to do
After 24 years of selling, I don't really know the proper way to sell
This downturn in the economy is tougher for me than I've ever seen it
I just can't break out of whatever it is I'm stuck in mentally
I'm realizing that I'm a mile wide and an inch deep
I realize I've always had it easy and I thought I was pretty good, but now...
Maybe I just need to take a few months off and start over again

Comments from discussions I've had over the past three weeks

Reflecting on these discussions and the commonalities has been a bit eye opening to the state of mind many of us have. Or maybe it's just me softening a bit and listening, or is it I'm hearing? Maybe it's along the lines of what Maxwell means when he says Everyone Communicates, Few Connect?

I know what they're talking about and not from opinion, but experience. And this is coming from a guy that couldn't get his diesel started the other night (out-of-town) and told the third roadside assistance person to not show up with one of those little jump-box battery booster things, but bring two big cars and stop at an auto parts store and get my some ether. Arg. Tow my truck on a Friday night and leave it Dallas. Give me a break.

So what do we do?

Let me just say this, and you can go as deep as you want with it..."your going to be the same five years from today as you are today except for what you watch, what you listen to, who you associate with and what you read."

Yes, there are some other things like decisions, fate, money, habits, disciplines and..did I say decisions? But what you read, watch, listen to and who you associate with will make the biggest difference in everything else.

Starting over again? Again? Change some things this time. Learn who you are and be as purposeful about what goes into your eyes and ears as you are your mouth. It makes a difference on your heart and your pocketbook.

To that end......


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