Mixing and Managing 4 Generations of Employees

According to Douglas Adams in The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the following rules describe our rules living with technology:

1. anything that was in the world when you were born is normal and ordinary and is part of the way the world works

2. anything invented from the time you are/were 15 years old until you are 35 years old is new and exciting and you could possibly get a career in it

3. anything that is invented after you are 35 years old is against the natural order of things

As we intereact with one generation and then another, we here different things like.. Get a life! He wants feedback. What the heck is that? They have no work ethic. They come to work to be entertained. It's five o'clock, I'm out of here. He works all the time. I don't live to work - I work to live. No news is good news. Why don't they quick worrying about that and get back to work.

Phrases like this come from performing and no-performing employees and it is important to know how to manage and lead this mult-generational workforce. At no time in American history have so many different generations with such diversity and worldviews and phylosophies

Source - MuRF Sytems "Buddy2Boss" training module -Managing Generational Differences.

Stop being a buddy and learn how being a boss can help you get the result you want in 2011. Learn more about the our management and leadership programs - get better results from you and your people - be proactive - contact Danny Smith at 512-773-6528 or danny@dannylsmith.com.

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