Don't Make It Complicated

Hi Impact, Low Cost Strategies, Actions and Results absolutely requires (absolutely requires) that you NOT complicate matters, and execute.

Many Small Business Owners have all kinds of ideas about how to market their products and services. Their challenge, problem, is putting feet to the thoughts.

Doug is such a person. Doug owns a carpeting company. He networks with people every week, doesn't hesitate to pick up the phone and will call on businesses and homeowners without a second thought.

Every morning he wakes up thinking "I've got to market better!" Doug is a typical Small Business Owner that goes out and gets the business, then works the business and then finds himself without any business...and the cycle starts all over.

Doug doesn't need a big marketing plan or strategy. Doug needs discipline that looks like this -
  1. Keep a marketing calendar
  2. Put every marketing "thing" on the calendar that he's going to do, check off what did and did not get done, reschedule marketing "things" and so on. For a guy like Doug I recommend a week-at-a-glance type PAPER calendar
  3. Robust evaluation and correction of the marketing that is happening, and not happening
  4. The "marketing plan" should be something the Small Business Owner can easily digest on the run
  5. The "marketing plan" needs to be a living document with the minimal of information

    • What is the Purpose of today's marketing?
    • What Benefits will the customer receive buying from you?
    • What is your Target today?
    • What is the Niche inside your Target?
    • What Weapons are you going to use today?
    • What Identity are you driving each and every day?
    • What is your Budget?
So...3 Simple Things
  1. Marketing Calendar
  2. Marketing Plan
  3. Robust Evaluation and Correction
Keep it simple. 

To that end...let me know if I can help you build your business,

Danny L. Smith
Sr. Mortgage Loan Officer
Certified Guerrilla Marketing CoachTM
Impact Leadership Coach
NMLS #138873
Phone: 512-773-6528
Fax: 512-551-0006
Let's go to Cozumel!


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