Stay connected to your confusion..

Stay connected to your confusion and discover your why.
Most people let confusion lead to frustration and then they
quit. Move from confusion to discovery and curiosity.
Explore. - Paul Martinelli

I've been frustrated recently about a large part of my marketing strategy. The marketing piece itself is likely an income stream. Meaning, I could be charging for my coaching and training. Instead, I use the coaching and training to add value to others and draw attention to my mortgage business.

The frustration has been more about "confusion that leads to frustration." I realized this during a call with Paul Martinelli last week. He said

Stay connected
to your confusion
and discover your why. Get creative.
Don't let confusion turn to frustration.
If you do, you'll quit.
Stay connected to your confusion,
move to discovery and curiosity.
Get creative. Explore. Discover your why.


To that end........Bless you Paul.


Hurdie Burk said...

If you scroll further down into your blog I noticed this.

Marketing Purpose: To help you increase business and/or leads better by giving you value in exchange for your attention

Actually I think the marketing idea is brilliant.

DannyLSmith said...

Thanks Hurdie. You do that also!