Accountability and Marketing: Assessing

The Blind Spot - an area in the lives of people in which
 they continually do not see themselves or their situation
 realistically. This unawareness often causes great
damage to the people and those around them.
In QBQ, John Miller talks about asking groups "what's the one thing you would change to improve the effectiveness of your organization?" He says they usually come out with a list of "Ps": Products, Promotions, Policies, Processes, Procedures, Pricing and People.

Change that to "what's the one thing I can change to improve the effectiveness of my marketing?"

It's ME! I need to change me. I must assess ME, the "I" in this team. I can have all the best Ps in the world and unless I imrove my time, attitude, skill, knowledge AND/OR style I won't be able properly (another P) use the Ps. But, as I improve me, my marketing and the IMPACT it has on my deposit column of the checking account will much more likely improve also.

This is where "In-the-Box-Thinking" comes into play. Forget thinking-outside-the-box until I can assess, uncover blind spots and utilize what I already have first. It's called LEARNING.

Gary Seale with Trucon Business Development emailed this morning and asked "how's your focus?" I need that question on a regular basis and know Gary will spring it inopportune times; it's a good assessing question and I need to be honest with the answer. This morning the answer included "I need therapy." I was only half joking.

Marketing is a strange and elusive PURPOSEFUL event for me and constant "P"rocesses, evaluation and correction are needed to IMPACT my deposit slips.

What marketing tools will I use today to IMPACT the deposit column of my bank statement next month? Assessing what I have available from my weapons list, here's what I plan to use today;

- this blog
- regular emails with the proper signature and tag-line on EACH one
- my new Thank You cards I picked-up yesterday from Michael Rodocker @ PostNet Lake Mill
- troll my database for additional email and social media follow-thrus
- Hootsuite to post on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Google+
- Face-to-face meeting scheduled this afternoon
- provide good service: work through all open mortgage files, follow-up on needs and send an email to at least one person on each loan
- Phone: call 3 people from database
- Set one appointment
- Use Kerry Martin-Moore's procedure for classifying people I met the past week
- Basecamp: my online project manager to help me keep focused on those things I need to bring from 20k foot view into daily walk

To that end.........time to get to work and keep the "I" going in the right direction

Need a good conversation starter? Try this -
Can you believe Danny Smith is quoting 3.375% 30 Year Fixed Rate mortgages?"

Links mention in this blog

Gary Seale
Kerry Martin-Moore
John Miller
John Maxwell
Blind Spots

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