Ponder this - all work has dignity

All work has dignity because it reflects God's image in us,
and also because the material creation we are called to care for its good
- Tim Keller

I have some interesting conflict going on inside me this morning. I say interesting because, in one sense, it's like I want there to be conflict but I'm not sure I have any.

Here are the issues -

1. I believe all work has dignity and not just from a "I have an opinion point-of-view." I've studied the subject for over 20 years, read 3-4,000 pages about God and His purposing of work. There's no doubt in my heart or head.

2. I'm introducing a friend of my this morning at a breakfast club. Larry Megason is the Executive Director of Restore-A-Voice (RAV). RAV is a non-profit dedicated to helping minors and women rescued from trafficing (prostitution). Larry is speaking to MBC about RAV and the problem this non- profit is addressing here in Austin, Texas; human trafficking of women and minor girls.

So, I repeat..........all work has dignity.

To that end............surely there's a conflict.

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