Point-to-Ponder: Problem Solving - Characteristics that Diminish

None of us are totally objective. We all have experience and memories that travle with us and influence how we handle today's events and how we plan for tomorrow.

When attempting to REALLY solve a problem you MUST be open to all avalable information from all parties and then studying that information within a problem solving framework.

This can be a powerful win-win situation for everyone...
  • if your beliefs are validated, then you have gained even more credibility and confidence about the problem (huge Self-Trust deposit)
  • If you learn something new, something unexpectd, you're still a winner - you have new insight to apply to the problem
  • If you disprove your original opiion, you are still wiser and have lost nothing.
Individual Characteristics that Will Diminish Problem Solving
  • Allowing personal bias to determine what facts and data you use
  • Making leaps in logic and jumping to conclusions
  • Taking short cuts in the collection and analysis of data
  • Coming with preconceived ideas

Not only will this type behavior decrease your Self-Trust and Trust others have in you, you are at great risk for overlooking important items and for promoting additional failure in the future.

We'll circle back to Management/Leadership Points in the next few days about Attributes of a Good Problem Solver.

Problem solving is a huge problem (pun intended) and learning how to problem solve correctly makes us want to beat our heads against the wall. The source for this material comes from our Problem Solving online e-Learning course.

People say that not only do they learn, but it changes their behavior.

Now THAT is what Blanchard, Meyers and Hue are talking about!

To that end....

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