"Communication Connection" by Guest Blogger Gary Seale.

Welcome Guest Blogger, Gary Seale. Gary provides sales outsourcing services and is the author of the book Business Principles from Proverbs.

Recently I have been reading a John Maxwell book called “Everyone Communicates, Few Connect.” One of Maxwell’s premises is that we have to know our audience and their level of understanding to truly communicate. It is all too easy to deliver information on our level of comfort and miss the intended audience all together.

I first learned this concept in a Toastmaster’s International program in the early 1990’s. The impact of their philosophy and receiving feedback on my speeches made this an important concept to keep in mind. This is true no matter what level or size of audience you speak to. From a six year old to a Phd from MIT, we all need to position our choice of words and illustrations to truly communicate.

To illustrate my point, allow me to relay a personal experience where I missed the mark. I was asked to address a group of high school seniors on what to expect from life after they graduated. I took some care in preparing my remarks based on my perspective and experiences. When the talk day arrived, it was painfully obvious to me that I was only connecting with the adults in the room. I was receiving alert body language, knowing smiles and positive head shakes. However, the students where listless, avoiding eye contact and pretty bored with my “highly insightful” words of wisdom. They were not connecting with me and the impact of the talk was greatly diminished.

The point is to do your research and vigorously seek to deliver your message on the level of your recipient. Your communication connection will be greatly enhanced!

Gary D. Seale
Principal - The Trucon Consulting Group, LLC
512-219-6677  |  Trucon@sbcglobal.net
Striving to be the acknowledged Texas leader in sales consulting and contract sales services

Thanks to Gary for this excellent article and the transparency in such a matter. If you aren't getting the sales you need and want someone to get the actual-sales-function DONE. Gary is the guy.

To that end.....


Who do you trust with your mortgage loan referrals?


Anonymous said...

I have a presentation to give today and it is very important that I "connect" with my audience and they understand what I am "selling."

I would not have done it without reading this. I still need to figure out how to connect correctly, but at least I'm understanding now what I'm trying to accomplish.

Very thankful

DannyLSmith said...

Very Thankful - I'll be sure Gary gets the message and I couldn't agree with you more.

I have an introduction to give as to my "ideal referral" and it must be done in 60 seconds. With my drinking from a fire hydrant style, well, I struggle saying hello in 60 seconds.

Thanks for the post.


Anonymous said...

Do you really think "everyone" communicates? I'm referring to Maxwell's book and I don't mean to be cynical.

I find it alarming as to how many people "don't" reply to emails from people they know, even to just acknowledge receipt of the email and a "I'm busy and will get back with you at some point in the future" brush-off.

The lack of common courtesy is really alarming. I haven't read the book you mention above, but will and maybe Maxwell gives his view point on the lack of communication, not just non-connecting.

Joyce B.