Bad Weather Processes - How Well Did You Perform?

One of the 4Ps for finding the right company to work for is Processes. How a company plans and executes that plan for bad weather conditions is important and likely an idea of how well they handle other problems.

No doubt there are problems in the plan that comes out when "living" the process. But the companies that can claim their processes as a competitive advantage are the ones that evaluate and correct very well.

What processes did you see work well during the recent bad weather? How well do you think you'll perform tomorrow?

I love to hear your stories; click on the 4ps tab above and add comment at the bottom or email me at

1 comment:

DannyLSmith said...

Note: I've received some comments and will post in a few days. Quite an interesting take on what should and should not be done during the case of bad weather.

For the record: every company should have a plan to keep business flowing in the case of bad weather (planned or otherwise.

Yes, this can cause stress on employees. But 1 week from now, when the snow and ice have melted and the product was delayed, the client is likely to only remember the delay.

But, if the delivery was on-time, they will probably remember how well you performed.