SMARTS [ Sales Marketing and Representative Trait Survey ]

Quick Facts

  • Based on research of personal characteristics of top performing sales representatives in multiple industries.
  • Identifies characteristics important to success in both marketing and sales.
  • Gives developmental suggestions for improving the skill level of individuals in sales roles.
  • More Information
If you could know the likelihood of a person’s success in sales ahead of time, wouldn’t you want to know?
Selling in today’s market requires more than good hair and a firm handshake. It requires an ability to market, sell, and consult all at the same time. The internet has created droves of highly educated consumers who need direction in choosing the most appropriate products or services, but who do not want to be “sold.”
Based on solid research of top performing sales and marketing executives, the SMARTS uncovers the strengths and potential weaknesses of sales and marketing executives on either a pre-hire or developmental basis. A variation to the SMARTS is the Dealer SMARTS created from a study of characteristics that make car salespersons succeed. Using this industry benchmark, the Dealer SMARTS determines the likelihood of low, average, or high success in auto sales. The SMARTS can be benchmarked against top performers internally or an industry specific study can be undertaken.
  • Will they have empathy?
  • Will they recover from rejection?
  • Will they communicate well?
  • Are they confident?
  • Will they succeed?

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