Being Creative...In-The-Box

John G. Miller, in his books QBQ and Flipping the Switch, writes about being successful while working with what we have. Hence, "in-the-box."

On page 39, of QBQ, he writes - Every organization has imperfect systems and finite resources. We may wish we had newer tools, better systems, more people, and bigger budgets. But thinking too much about what we'd like to have is another cause of procrastination.

I liken that to "the grass is always greener on the other side."

There are a lot of things in life we don't have control over, and then there are times we've made bad decisions. We can't fall into the "I wish...." discussions with ourselves.

We have to learn to succeed with what we have. As some wise person once said, "have lemons, make lemonade."

And we can be creative while "thinking inside the box." Miller points out we can employ Creativity when we ask the QBQs.

What can I do to succeed with the tools I have? What tools do I have?

What needs can I fill?

What competitive advantages do I have?

What do I have to be thankful for?

How can I help to better develop the products I have?

What could I have done in the past to have had better results today? What could I do today to have better results tomorrow?

I understand there is a book out there that defines thinking outside the box as living in a vacuum. I say AMEN.

To that end....


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