Robust Evaluation and Correction

Our overall societal culture drives a "we are all adults and should be able to do what is expected" mentality. Subsequently, when there are problems (and there are always problems), it just as important to recognize, acknowledge and resolve poor performance as it is exceptional performance.

This part of the 4Pt Process model is in similar to Collin's Hedgehog in that you keep going around the circle until you get it rightWith Robust Evaluation and Correction you achieve good teamwork through the conflicts of poor performance and the positive results it brings to the individuals, the team, and the organization as a whole.

Recognizing and proper handling of poor performance should be part of any individual and organization's core ideology and culture.

Recognizing performance comes from two sources: passive and active. Like sonar on a submarine, evaluation is either passive or active. Passive is simply listening to what is going on and responding accordingly depending upon the threat, or problem. Active is sending out "pings" to detect what is in the vicinty that can cause problems. Much like the bounce of the sonar's ping against the threat, when looking for problems in your organization you can't ignore the threat and do something else.

Looking for problems should never be the purpose. The purpose should be to recognize a problem and do something about it; small or large.

The basic techniques when confronted with a problem in performance are -

 Respond – Don’t React

 Expect the Best

 Go to the person

 Confront the Event, not the person

 Ask Questions, Seek Clarity

 Develop Action Plan of Changes

 Clarify the Action Plan

 Implement the Action Plan

 Evaluate and Correct Continuously

 Treat this like a never ending circle until problem is resolved

Robust Evaluation and Correction is an important part of recognizing the ingredients of the box you're in and doing the best with what you have before moving outside the box for something new. Too many times we want to fix a problem by getting a new piece of technology or a new hire and yet, we end up with similar results because it wasn't the technology or the person. Proper use of a good People Process makes a difference with all individuals and the organization as a whole.

To that end....

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