Leadership Ability impacts.....

Leadership ability determines a person's level of effectiveness
- Law of the Lid, John C. Maxwell

Lids negatively impact all of us, everyday. Experts say the we typically go about our day working solely from our unconscious. In other words...on autopilot.

In a marketing class today I was asked "do you think we should take a leadership class to improve our marketing abilities?" My answer was "yes, nothing will help you more than to constantly improve your core leadership abilities. Improve your ability to lead and you improve your ability to trust yourself, others will trust you more, your spheres of influence will increase and your marketing impact will improve in direct proportion." Maybe not word-for-word, but something like that.

What lids are keeping you where you're at? What leadership roadblocks are keeping you from "rising to the next level?"

Think about the characteristics of leadership and marketing. Do you agree they're so closely aligned?

A couple of suggestions:

1. If you'd like my 22 Common Roadblocks Scoring Sheet, email me at Danny@DannyLSmith.com.

2. Click on the Leadership Lunch & Learn tab above for info about upcoming events.

To that end....  

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