Takeaways...so far

At the John Maxwell Team Certification event in Orlando. Incredible. Here's some take aways...so far -

Surely, there is at least one step you can take right now that will move you in the direction of the star you're shooting for. - Paul Martinelli

Things have to change in you for things to change for you. - Christian Simpson

If you fail to go within, you will fail to go without. - Christian Simpson

Be wise about you read, listen to and watch, as there is a direct correlation between what you put in your head and what comes out your mouth. - Roddy Galbraith

Remember, man does not live on bread alone: sometimes he needs a little buttering up. - John Maxwell

Every day we have the power to choose to be in harmony with what we say we want and who we say we want to be. It's  always a choice. What will you choose. - Melissa Malueg

To that end.....

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