Seeking clarity about the starting point

Today is the first day of the rest of your life
- Someone

Something else I've been pondering; clarity. How do I get clarity? Ask questions. How do I get really good clarity? Ask good questions. How do I get great clarity? Ask great questions.
And dig through them again, and again, and again.
And get someone to ask them to you. Again and again.
Seems like a lot of work? Yes. But.....what does the alternative bring me? Aha!
Here's some questions I'm asking, journaling, digging through. They can be found in John Maxwell's book The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, pages 59-64....
1. What is my biggest asset?
2. What is my biggest liability?
3. What is my highest high?
4. What is my lowest low?
5. What is my most worthwhile emotion?
6. What is my least worthwhile emotion?
7. What is my best habit?
8. What is my worst habit?
9. What is most fulfilling to me?
10. What do I prize most highly?

To that end......praying for clarity

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