Where Rubber-Meets-the-Road: Living Out the "Levels of Leadership"

I had the privilege of speaking to three different groups this week about some of my favorite topics: Trust, Asking Good Question, Levels of Leadership and Talking to Yourself.

Practicing the disciplines of these topics myself and watching how they naturally play out in life is another privilege. One of those "played-out" settings I've pondered has to do with a non-profit. The leader of this very important organization, Larry, is the epitome of living WELL Maxwell's "five levels of leadership." 

While those on Larry's board are all following him at levels 2, 3, 4 or even 5, there are undoubtedly those he is attempting to gain favor and assistance from who are at a distant 1, if at all. 

When we're not leading someone, they're not following and we could actually be chasing them. Being led in this way is not always an enjoyable form of  following. But many times extremely necessary.

As I thought through and prayed for Larry's struggles (struggles are part of doing something well), I was reminded how important it is to lead "ourselves" well as we chase our passion, wants and dreams. My thoughts further carried me to:
  • How important it is to talk-smart to ourselves. 
  • How talking-smart means, in part, to have a "propensity to trust" ourselves and others.
  • Trusting-well means I must practice a good balance of evaluation and correction.
  • Trusting-well and talking-smart means always asking-smart-questions.
And.....I must always remember I'm leading at all 5 levels at all times.

To that end....talk-smart to yourself FIRST!


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