SMARTS: What is it?

SMARTS is the acronym for Sales Marketing and Representative Trait Survey.

In-the-Box Development and Danny Smith have teamed up with MuRF Systems to develop a SMARTS assessment specifically for Mortgage Loan Officers; Mortgage LO SMARTS.

Based on solid research of top performing sales and marketing executives, the SMARTS uncovers the strengths and potential weaknesses of sales and marketing executives on either a pre-hire or developmental basis. The Mortgage LO SMARTS will be a variation to the SMARTS created from a study of characteristics that make mortgage loan officers succeed. Using benchmarks presently being set through a nationwide study, the Mortgage LO SMARTS will determine the likelihood of low, average, or high success in mortgage loan originations.

To learn more about SMARTS assessment, contact or  512-773-6528.

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