You Can't Fix Stupid

There's an old saying that you can't fix stupid. It's stupid, and lazy, and unprofessional, to reply to an email message on a totally different subject and not change the subject matter. It's also stupid to reply all to an email and not insure all the original recipients should see the email you are sending.

If you were really trying to make a point and even throw your weight around, then the recipients are probably talking about how stupid you are instead of the real point of the email. You at least watered down your message. These type of people are just plain disrespectful and obviously don't think through things very well, which ends up diverting everyone from the intended message you were trying to get across to begin with.

Heck, I'm so stupid that I try to figure out what the message had to do with the subject and then WOW! I notice a recipient that had nothing to do with the message content!! much less should not have been included!
We all make mistakes, but seriously, some things go beyond simple mistakes - just stop the stupidity and disrespect.

But, maybe you can fix stupid. You have to be willing to change. If you want to and if you see how stupid this makes you look AND if you care. But if you're too stupid to think you don't need to change, then stupid won't get fixed.

To that end.....

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