Coming back to clutter

Maybe I'm moving from discliplines to habits?

I've been moving pretty fast and hard the past few weeks and this morning I noticed that I'm much more organized! Meaning, there's less clutter all around me.

That's much better than back in 2012 when I wrote the following post -

The clutter rushed in late yesterday. Actually, it snuck in and slapped me. Some things I'd rushed on 2 weeks ago started coming apart, I overbooked myself late in the day (knowing I was doing so) and when I finally decided to shut down last night my desk was a mess.

Maybe that's the way I just function.


I'm more energized when the clutter is gone, when I'm creating (which seems a bit natural) and cleaning.

I woke this morning thinking how much of a "lid" this is to my ability to really get things done. Reflecting back over the past few days I not just accept, but understand, Maxwell's Law of the Lid. The way I act sometimes you'd think I was Hurdie Burk and had a double! And I don't...dang.

Today's "to-be" list: keep fighting to remove clutter from my desk, my desktop (just thought about what a mess that is), my calendar and my need to keep working in my weaknesses.

And pay attention to Cathy when she says "focus. Hey! FOCUS."

To that end....I pray "Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and bring others along side me that can fill those gaps that can be filled, give me the courage, strength and energy to make a positive impact where I can, and wisdom and discernment to know the diference. Please Lord, give me my daily bread, living not just one-day-at-a-time, that can be too long, but one moment-at-a-time, putting one foot in front of another - trusting you with each step. Amen"

Ha! Another realization - I've got Someone better than a double!


(end of 2012 post)

Thank you Lord!

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