A Rambling Thanks

I've been asked, tweeted and emailed "what's up, no posts this week?!"

Thanks for asking. It is always nice to know that people are following you. On that note, I was inside my Google Analytics and found where I could see how many people follow me via RSS feeds and such as that. Cool!

So, where have I been? Planning, fixing and working. This has been a great week and I purposefully wanted to work on some other things and let the 52 Great Loan Officer posting stay as visible as possible this week. Some of that purpose got off-track with a problem upgrading my shopping cart and Blogger's editing issues.

On the note of Blogger...one reason I stay with Blogger is the fact that it is in "at least" viewer/read mode over 99.9% of the time. When it does have problems, like it did for around 24 hours this week, people could still get on the site to view/read. Very few other hosts can say that, and this is free (that's good high-impact/low-cost marketing...true Guerrilla style).

The emails, calls and SIGN-UPs have been great and I appreciate the responses. This is going to be a great addition to the behavioral characteristic study we are doing. Not to mention the book (that's a teaser to an announcement we'll be making next week).

To that end....thanks for questions, Tips sign-ups, registrations for the Guerrila Marketing workshop and overall followings.


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