Case Study: Predictable Behavioral Patterns - Jack

Jack is a salesperson; He called recently asking for advice on how to handle a difficult customer. Jack was very upset at the customer for not “pulling the trigger” and was considering dumping him. I reminded Jack that his SMARTS assessment pointed out that 1. top producing sales people have a certain level of empathy for the customer’s point-of-view 2. he, Jack, scored low in that area and 3. we had discussed some ways in which he might develop a habit, or discipline to not be so reactive, but instead, be responsive. One discipline is to call me before making any brash or hurried decisions that was not in his written sales strategy.

This is a good example of a seemingly small factor in predictable behavioral patterns. Hopefully, having taken the SMARTS assessment, and continuing to learn from its output will give Jack better sales results in the near and distant future.

In this case, the research into SMARTS assessments points to a certain predictability pattern in a top producing sales person and Jack’s results of taking the assessment showed he was low in this area and needed attention and training.

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