My Name is Andre Agassi and I Hate Tennis....

 "My name is Andre Agassi.....I play tennis for a living, even though I hate tennis, hate it with a dark and secret passion, and always have."

WOW! What a shocking statement from an incredible athlete who reached the pinnacle of his career. "My name is Andre Agassi.....I play tennis for a living, even though I hate tennis, hate it with a dark and secret passion, and always have."

Agassi makes this statement in the introduction to his autobiography "Open." Matt Carter, senior pastor at Austin Stone Community Church, read it a few months ago during a sermon on Theology of Work. I was struck then about the depth and ramifications of such a statement from such a successful person, and continue now to be equally awed after reading the book and pondering Agassi's motives and behavior. I'm struck with how hard he worked at a job he despised so much; I don't care who you are....that's credibility.

How do you feel about your job? Do you hate your job, but continue to develop your T.A.S.Ks (core competency factors)? Do you strive to be the best in the world at what you do, yet hate it? Agassi was and did, but while he hated playing tennis, he felt he had a job to do, a mission to fulfill. Agassi searched out his strengths and weaknesses, he knew he could do it until it came time to do something else and he hated loosing. He was determined to put in the time and effort to get better, to improve. When he couldn't do something himself, he found someone that could help him.

Or...are you just not sure why you don't do better than you do?

Or...your not sure what job you would even really want to do, even if you had a choice. You've heard about callings but have no idea what it means to you; you keep asking "what am I supposed to do with my life?"

Or..."I keep waiting for God to show me what he wants me to do, so for now I just do this."'re in the perfect job, but know you can do better than you do; you've leveled out and can't figure out why.

Agassi's story is not unique, except maybe the money part. While there are plenty who are incredibly good at what they do, yet dislike the job in some form or fashion, and make even make good money, there are an abundance of those who aren't that good, don't have the competency, and yet through the efforts of themselves and/or their bosses, stay on the job.

If you are unhappy or disappointed with your job, the reason could be as simple as learning what and where to focus, or it could be about bad job fit. In either case, what are you doing about your situation? If you've leveled out, it is likely that you need better direction and focus, and/or you have ideas inside you that need to be jostled lose.

You are going to be the same five years from now except for what you listen to and watch, who you associate with, and what you read. Learning more about your specific talents, attitudes, skills, and knowledge (competency factors) is part of the first step towards being purposeful about who you are five years from now. You are a unique individual and there are more ideas inside you than you can possible imagine! Unlock them.

Find out more about this and other In-the-Box ideas, click here or call 512-773-6528.

To that end.....

PS - This book is a great read and I highly recommend it; my additional thoughts and review will be posted soon at Read Well.

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