Learning and Not Changing is NOT Learning

As one works to improve Talents, Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge, he/she will naturally develop new behavior traits. Yet, battling against habits/tendencies that have brought about bad results in the past will still be a challenge.

Here are 4 bad behaviors that tend show themselves in most of us:

1. Trusting people without accountability

2. "hoping" too much

3. Not following through on requests; not inspecting what is expected

4. Not enough GOOD meetings, including GOOD "sneaker" meetings (leading by walking around)

As to the meetings.....I've written and talked extensively about meetings, what books to read about meetings, and why meetings HAVE TO HAPPEN. But until recently, I had not really clicked on why people don't like meetings; they don't like meetings because they don't like the accountability that comes along with Good meetings. No doubt there are plenty of "bad" meetings (bad bad meeting - shame on you), but right now I'm referring to those good results-driven meetings. One behavior to look out for is the "well, that's an hour of my life that I'll never get back" behavior. That is an indication of a passive-aggressive behavior that is doing nothing but tearing at the heart of the entire organization.

Having good meetings is essential to your success as an individual and your organization. You have to know who is in the box with you. You have to know what is driving behaviors. What is each teammembers' agenda, their motive for being at work? Is it just to earn a paycheck? A bigger paycheck? Are those in the box with you good followers?

Are they trying to make a real difference? Do they want to be part of something bigger than themselves? Are they trying to make a difference or make a bigger money?

If your meetings are good meetings, something is really happening. Agendas are being sat, accountability is enforced, and planning is talked about. A good meeting has some drama also (see Death by Meeting...Lencioni). But that person constantly struggling to come to meetings is undoubtedly going back to his/her desk or out into the field and do what he/she wants. And killing your mission and purpose while trampling your values. This person, regardless of what was previously agreed upon, will do only what he/she wants in the long run.

Now....this person might be a good SINGLE contributor, but recognize and drive that strength (another discussion). Otherwise, this is someone that doesn't belong in the box with you. Forget about the bus. Forget about a seat on the bus. Just get him out of the box. And quick.

You want people that are part of a Team; a Together-Everyone-Achieves-More mind-set. Teamwork is a reality of Success, but we'll never succeed long-term without good Teamwork and people that talk about together-everyone-achieves-more and yet runs his own agenda is conning himself and others that depend upon him.

Look at the past, learn from it, and change. Know who's in the box with you.

Get out of your rut, learn from the past, and quit trying to change everyone. If they haven't changed, they're likely not going to change and you'd better.

Learn, but change.

To that end........

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