Okay, you may be saying to yourself, I've got a dream. I think it's worth pursuing. Now what? How can I know that my odds are good for achieving it?

That brings us to the questions, which comprise the ten chapters of this book. Here they are:
1. The Ownership Question: Is my dream really my dream?
2. The Clarity Question: Do I clearly see my dream?
3. The Reality Question: Am I depending on factors within my control to achieve my dream?
4. The Passion Question: Does my dream compel me to follow it?
5. The Pathway Question: Do I have a strategy to reach my dream?
6. The People Question: Have I included the people I need to realize my dream?
7. The Cost Question: Am I willing to pay the price for my dream?
8. The Tenacity Question: Am I moving closer to my dream?
9. The Fulfillment Question: Does working toward my dream bring satisfaction?
10. The Significance Question: Does my dream benefit others?
I believe that if you really explore each question, examine yourself self honestly, and answer yes to all of them, the odds of your achieving your dream are very good. The more yeses you can answer, the more on target you are to fulfill your dreaming.
I truly believe that everyone has the potential to imagine a worthwhile dream, and most have the ability to achieve it. And it doesn't matter how big or how seemingly outrageous your dream appears to others if your answers are yes to the Dream Test questions.”
— Put Your Dream to the Test: 10 Questions that Will Help You See It and Seize It by John C. Maxwell

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