Has God Given You A Vision? by Tim Hetzner

Then the LORD replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. Habakkuk 2:2

When God gives you a vision for your life, write it down, keep it before you at all times and run with it. You say, ‘But I see no way for it to come to pass.’ The Bible says, ‘The vision is yet for an appointed time ... wait for it; because it will surely come’ (v. 3). You may not know how to get from where you are right now to where the vision will ultimately take you - but God does. So ask Him to reveal the next step to you. Whether you’re in prison like Joseph, in a soup kitchen in the inner city, or at home taking care of small children, God will fulfil the vision He placed in your heart. The more you see yourself leading in the boardroom, launching your own business, serving in ministry, writing your first book, or helping others through your gifts, the sooner it’ll become a reality. Before a vision becomes clear, God gives us glimpses of it - like a picture developing from a soft hue into sharp resolution. So take your vision and run with it. Let it motivate you to perform to the best of your ability in your present position, while staying in communication with the One who knows and loves you best. Today pray ...


Lord, I know that where I am right now, isn’t where You’re taking me. Give me glimpses of Your vision for my future, so that my understanding may grow in accordance with Your timing. Give me patience along the way and faith to trust that You’re always working for my good. Amen.

The above devotion was written/compiled from multiple sources by Tim Hetzner, President of Lutheran Church

5 Productivity Questions to Ask Yourself Each Morning

I spend a bit of time of time each morning praying, journaling  and thinking into my day; how do I want it to go, what are my intentions and goals for the day, and I ask myself a few questions.

A training call I was on this week gave me a new way to look into my productivity. In the spirit of "What's Best Next" (the book), here are some questions I've started asking myself -

1. Where is my time being best invested?

2. Where is my time being mostly wasted?

3. What do I need to spend more time doing?

4. What do I need to spend less time doing?

5. If I invested my time more wisely, what would it mean to me?

Thanks to Caliber Home Loans for the training and www.DougSmithOnline.com for the information.

Treating everyone fairly and justly...

Traditional marketing focuses on the masses, treating everyone the same. 

Guerrilla marketing treats everyone fairly and justly by treating everyone differently. 

Guerrilla marketers come to understand and practice win/win relationships.  

Guerrilla marketers think about their prospect's behavior and how to best relate with them. If you, the marketer, have a High D temperament, but your  prospect is a High C, your marketing "output" is naturally different that your prospects "input." You tend to be direct, to the point. You want to move through the process and get it finished so you can move on. Your High C prospect wants details, details and more details. The High C wants time to think through the details, ask questions and insure he gets good answers. 

If haven't taken a DISC assessment in the past year and would like to learn more about your temperament, email me at Danny@DannyLSmith.com for a link to a free online DISC.  

Danny L. Smith

"The top 1% of successful entrepreneurs build themselves ahead of their business."

Who Flourishes the Most, givers or takers?

If you insist on a quid pro quo every time you help others, 
you will have a much narrower network.
- Adam Grant

Motivation and opportunity are two things highly successful people have in common with each other.

But what about what-we-give-to and what-we-take-from others?

In his book "Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success," Adam Grant (Wharton School prof) lays out how he's identified and accessed what causes people to be most, and least successful.

According to his years of research, the top 3rd most successful people (across many industries; doctors, engineers, sales, attorneys, teachers...) are GIVERS.

That's right, the top 3rd are GIVERS.

So are the bottom 3rd.

In the middle are the Takers and Matchers.

You can learn the difference in the top and bottom thirds in this podcast, click here for Podcast: https://youtu.be/Dcfk89LKfjo