When Efficiency is Demeaning

Demonstrating Respect is a clear example
of the disproportionate impact of the
"little things" in building Trust Accounts
 - Stephen M.R. Covey

When is efficiency demeaning?

Efficiency is demeaning with it steps on the intrinsic value of another.


Think about a time you were in the middle of a conversation and were "disrespected?"

- at a restaurant; the waiter interrupted your discussion to ask if you wanted something
- at a networking event; you're talking to a prospect and someone else walks up to say hello
- during a meeting; your not through your point and someone else is called on to talk

The waiter is only trying to do his job (be efficient), the network interrupter is just trying to get to more people and the person running the meeting wants to finish on time. All trust withdrawals.

Don't think so? Ask someone on the blunt end of the examples above, think about you're feelings when you've been on the receiving end....and you don't like it. And now you have feelings about the person's behavior, the results you received because of that person and it becomes a matter of trust (integrity, intent, capabilities and/or results).

Demonstrating respect might come across as a "soft" behavior but it's not. It is one of the hardest behaviors to live out correctly.

Be aware of your efficiencies today (whether their too loose - another topic, or tight).


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