Goals and the Matter of Values

Goals. Deep subject, and wide. Setting goals is one part of achieving good results. Achieving good results is about a matter of habits (as mentioned in previous post) aligning values, setting good goals, establishing plan and strategies, determining measure points, putting forth the work and having a robust evaluation and correction process.

Goals are rarely achieved because of numerous reasons and the #1 cause is a lack of alignment to a persons T.A.S.K.S. (see below).

The second is a lack of understanding of what it takes to properly setting goals to begin with.

Working through and clarifying your values is the first stage of a solid foundation for goal setting. To properly set a goal, the goal must be reasonable and must be set in accordance with a person’s time, attitude, skill, knowledge and style (TASKS); a goal can be set to increase or strengthen any of these TASKS points.

Goals can and should build upon each other to achieve results that today one doesn’t have the TASKS to achieve. More about that in another session.

A key component to that solid foundation is recognizing your Core Ideology; comprised of your mission and your values. During life’s triumphs, struggles and day-to-day living your Core Ideology is what helps ground your behaviors and thoughts so that no matter what path you find yourself engaged on, you stand true.

It’s vitally important to not only define your mission and values but to put them both in writing, commit to these statements, and recognize when you find yourself detouring.

To that end.....

1 comment:

Blair Evan Ball said...

I like the distinction drawn between goals and values. If we are not in proper alignment as you suggest, it won't happen, and frustration builds. The sooner we realize this the quicker we are back on course. Equally interesting is the acronym of TASK, and how that relates and ties into our goals an values. Well done.