Thoughts led to to 'Water From a Deep Well'

I enjoy where my journaling leads me. This morning it was to Gerald Sittzers' book Water From A Deep Well.  

These are Sittzers' words....


Page 18: Every generation of believers faces the risk of becoming a prisoner to its own myopic vision of the Christian faith, assuming that how it understands and practices faith is always the best. C.S. Lewis cited this problem as a reason for reading old books. "None of us," he wrote, "can fully escape this blindness, but we shall certainly increase it, and weaken our guard against it, if we read only modern books," for modern books (as well as the ideas and practices they convey) only tell us what we already know and thus reinforce our blind spots and prejudices.

History will show us that there is more to the Christian faith than what we think and have experienced.

Page 20: Augustine once wrote that the only way to understand something is to love it first, that is, to study it with sympathy, patience and appreciation.

Page 23: The purpose of this book, after all, is to explore the diversity of Christian spirituality. Still, however diverse these various traditions are, there is an underlying truth that unites them. From the apostolic age to the present, the vast majority of Christians have believed that God has revealed himself in Jesus Christ, that Jesus Christ is both divine and human, and that God is therefore one in community. My goal is to explore how these various spiritual traditions - ascetic, monastic, sacramental, evangelical and the like - reveal who God is, how we can know him intimately, and what we can become in and through him.


Back to me, Danny. 

Good stuff!! Reading these 9 year old notes is a great reflection. I can see how it's shaped some of my thoughts today. 

My coach, Dave Moore, assigned this book. I listened this morning to Matt Perman talk about roles and routines (in What's Best Next) and that shaped thoughts for my journaling which led to looking for another book Moore assigned to me about routines. 

That search led to Sittzers. 

It's a journey!

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