Pushing a rope. But then there's the prize

I've been in a head down, not-so-much smiling, but dialing mode lately. Cold calling.

Cold calling, and it's not my sweet-spot. Actually, I spend a lot of time getting ready to call, and getting ready to get ready.

It's a bit like when I finally KNOW I have to get my taxes done...a lot of other stuff seems to get done first. I'll do almost anything to keep from doing my taxes. All kinds of stuff seems to become not-so-hard.

And then, I see this..it's a tip I get weekly from Marcus Buckingham's Standout program. The tip is spun off an assessment I did a couple of years ago.

Now, it's not that I didn't already know that, but it sure helps!

Do you know what I mean? Here I've been making the calls, and it is like pushing a rope, but part of the prize is getting the appointment and getting in the room.

And at the end of a not so good in the results category day, I see this.

Great reminder. Tomorrow's coming!

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