To that end...

Stephen Covey is credited with the phrase "begin with the end in mind." To "what" end are you pursuing today?

Twice yesterday I asked someone "what's your purpose for (doing that activity)? It's not that difficult really. I have some things I need to get done today and each one has a purpose, but I what's my BIG purpose for today? I need to remember that to keep the others from getting in the way.

What's your purpose today? Are you going to a special event, meeting or just about? What's your purpose for going there?

Maxwell is right-on when he tells us "leaders are developed daily not in a day." Daily we live. Daily we pursue dreams, goals, passions and purposes.....even if we just going.

Go with purpose, to that end.....

Clean the clutter to give room for creativity

Sometimes, it's what's bothering you. It's what's weighing you down mentally. It's more than SQUIRREL! It's getting totally taken out of the game. It leads to roadkill.

Don't let yourself get taken out of the game by something you have no control over, but, recognize there might be changes that need to be made IF you are. But then again, maybe you do have control. It's just in a different sense.

Dig into what's causing the clutter.

Cleaning up the clutter will free you to be creative.

To that end..........what clutter is keeping you from what you want "to be?"

Reaching inside, with help

The real power is in the Question
- Christian (CJ) Simpson

Reaching out to a Mentor - to learn before the mistake from someone who has experience in a particular area.

Learning from a Trainer, or Teacher - to learn from an opinion that is not necessarily grounded in experience.

Growing with a Coach - to learn from someone who has the talent, the skill and the style that is focused not on the Coach, but on the question being asked by the Coach. The Coach's job isn't to impart any knowledge but to draw the knowledge out.

To that end....what questions are you pondering today?

#7: Evaluate and correct (taking a good look over your shoulder)

The step that most directly controls our success or failure is our
behavior - what we do or not do. Behavior means our actions.
How we act, what we do, each moment of each day...
- Shad Helmstetter What to Say When You Talk to Yourself

What did you do to be successful last week? Look over your shoulder? Literally. Look to see if you did what it took to succeed last week.

Assuming that you're responsible for generating income...Did you make a sale? Did you market well last week? Did you bring new people into your sphere of influence. Did you go out, meet people and tell them about your offer? What you're selling? Did you start new relationships last week?

What's your process for staying engaged?

In the past, many of us only established and maintained relationships over the phone and/or face-to-face. These days, there's the impact of social media, email and other internet methods.

Those that succeed in these relationships will usually engage on many levels, use many recourses. Building relationships takes follow-up. It takes a process. A good process requires evaluation and correction.

John Maxwell's quote about The Law of Process states, "Leadership develops daily, not in a day." And, since everything rises and falls on leadership...

Here's a trick I learned a few years ago to help my daily progress/process:

- Grab your calendar, your phone, your emails and your list of 100+ weapons
- Look back through each
- Let your mind wander through the conversations
- Write, on your calendar every time you used one of your marketing weapons

- What weapons do you have easy access to and your not using?
- Write, on your calendar, what you "could have" used...

Do this on a daily basis and you'll gradually become more aware of the weapons you're using, how to use them better, and how to start using other weapons.

And you'll start marketing at much higher level of impact.

To that end....

"Marketing is everything you do before and after getting the check"


Impromptu text this morning

Danny L. Smith

"One cannot long out perform their own self-image" - Maxwell Maltz

"You'll be the same five years from today, as you are today, except for what you listen, what you watch, who you associate with, and what you read" - Zig Ziglar

An impromptu text from Scott Carley and my immediate response this morning.

Help finding camera

On August 7th, I lost a Sony Wifi Camera at Blues on the Green. $100 Reward if you are instrumental is getting it returned to me--here's the Craig's List posting and thanks for your help:

#5 - Image / Identity

Danny L. Smith

"One cannot long out perform their own self-image" - Maxwell Maltz

"You'll be the same five years from today, as you are today, except for what you listen, what you watch, who you associate with, and what you read" - Zig Ziglar

#2 - Benefit, so what if I buy from you?

#2 of 7 Step-It-Up Marketing Plan

Danny L. Smith

"One cannot long out perform their own self-image" - Maxwell Maltz

"You'll be the same five years from today, as you are today, except for what you listen, what you watch, who you associate with, and what you read" - Zig Ziglar

#1 - Purpose (meandering or deposit slips)

When you show-up today, what's your purpose for being there?

This a marketing and leadership principle: "know your purpose."

Why are you doing what you're doing?

From the leadership perspective this relates heavily to my dream.

As to Marketing, knowing my Purpose is the difference between meandering and a future bank deposit slip being filled-out.

Say this....."When I show-up today, I know my purpose."

To that end.....