Results. Making an I.M.P.A.C.T - a series of things I do...out-in-front

Results, targets, goals, intentions....what is it I want to get done in the future.....this morning, today, next month, the rest of the year?
The most important thing I know I can do is the "Think into those results, with I.M.P.A.C.T" -

What IDEAS do I have about getting those results?

I MEDITATE (pray) on my ideas and the results I want.

I PROPOSE QUESTIONS to myself about the choices, behaviors, actions, causes and circumstances that could bring about those results.

I ANALYZE & ACT - how it’s work for me in the past. What did I do right? Wrong? What needs to change? I do something even if it’s wrong (anything worth doing is worth doing poorly until I can learn to do it right!).

Continuously Create the Right Environment / CONQUER the gremlins! We all have them. My environment includes everything around me at all times. It can't always be right, but I can control the majority through what I read, listen to, watch and the people I hang-out with. I pour positive self-talk into my head (to drown out the gremlins). I try to be conscious of what I'm saying when I talk to myself and what I'm saying to others. And what I'm hearing others say. Fight the demons..!

TRANSCRIBE (journal) my thoughts…my ideas…the results I want. I'm not sure the rest of this makes any difference without a discipline of writing down what's in your head.

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