Ronald Reagan, the Packers and the Interview

"He who introduces into public office the principles of primitive
Christianity will change the face of the world."

- Ronald Reagan, first inaugural address as
governor (1967), quoting Benjamin Franklin

Yesterday was an eventful day; Ronald Reagan's 100th birthday (or would have been..not sure how to properly couch such), a GREAT Super Bowl, and a live interview between Bill O'Reilly and President Obama. Quite a bit one can ponder and reflect on.

We'll go with Ronald Reagan for now. I watched the televised celebration of his birthday, listened to the speeches and a bit on his library/museum renovation. (Seeing his library is on my non-existent bucket-list)

It was interesting to watch the different networks and how they handled this event; I'm not sure CNN really knew what to do. Their choice of commentators was very interesting and I guess they just felt they needed to make a big deal of the celebration, but not sure what really to say. Or how to act. It came across flat and unemotional.

Not like President Reagan at all. I've read 4 books about him so far and expect to read a few more. My favorite is God and Ronald Reagan by Paul Kengor, Ph.D. This book came about when Dr Kengor began research for a chapter in another book he was writing, found the material too overwhelming for a simple chapter and thus put the first book down to write this one.

Dr. Kengor wrote an excellent read. And for the critics and melancholies he supplied lots (LOTs) of endnotes.

"There is a purpose to this...This has happened to you at this time
because your country and the world need you."

- Mother Teresa, to Reagan on his surviving
near-assassination, June 4, 1981

To that end....

PS...tomorrow - Mastering Monday

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