Business Principles from Proverbs by Gary Seale

Gary is a friend and wrote this book three years ago and is presently republishing it as an e-book.

Good read and I thought I'd share a bit from the Introduction -

Envision a business world where telling the truth was a foundational precept. Imagine the quality of relationships that absolute truthfulness would build. Think about the enormous amount of energy that would be saved as your business peers no longer felt the need to pursue cover up games. Business and interpersonal skills would be enhanced because deficiencies were recognized and weaknesses were rapidly corrected. Contracts would be straightforward and simple because the agreements were built on a bond of trust. Bait and switch advertising would be a thing of the past. Sales claims could be trusted because exaggeration would be a dead issue...........Do not fear, your issues are not so complicated that they cannot be addressed by God’s wisdom.

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